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An Alternative and Effective Treatment Method for Shoulder Pain

What is Shoulder Pain?

The shoulder is a complex ball-socket joint surrounded by supporting muscles and ligaments to help keep it in place and functioning. Any general pain in this area is referred to under the umbrella term of “shoulder pain.” 

Shoulder pain is a common condition that almost everyone will experience at some point in their lives. For some lucky people, shoulder pain will be brief and temporary; but for other people, it can be a chronic pain that makes daily tasks and fun activities difficult and painful. 

Signs and Symptoms of Shoulder Pain

One of the biggest problems with shoulder pain is that the cause of the problem can be difficult to diagnose, and it can be even more difficult to treat. X-rays can generally detect some causes such as arthritis or dislocation; other times, pain is due to soft tissue injury that doesn’t show up as well in scans. 

The type of pain patients experience in their shoulders can vary greatly—pain may be dull, throbbing, achy, sharp, or stabbing. It can range from mild to severe. It may make the arm feel tingly and numb, or weak and easily fatigued. 

Shoulder pain can inhibit your range of motion; if you keep your shoulder immobile for a length of time, it can cause adhesive capsulitis (frozen shoulder). Shoulder pain can not only interfere with your daily activities, but it can also interfere with your getting a good night’s sleep. Turning or moving can trigger pain that makes it difficult for you to fall or stay asleep. 

How the Upper Cervical Spine Affects Shoulder Pain

Sometimes when the cause of shoulder pain is not easily found, it’s because healthcare providers are looking in the wrong place. The problem may not be in the shoulder but the upper cervical spine. 

The upper cervical spine is made up of the top seven vertebrae that run through the neck and into the upper back. This is a very delicate area that is vulnerable to injury from jolts to the head, minor accidents, sports injuries, or even poor posture. Inflammation from the misalignment can spread to surrounding muscles, weakening them and causing pain. Misalignments can also compress nerves that go to the shoulder, disrupting the path of nerve signals. 

How Our Shoulder Pain Treatment Works

We understand how frustrating shoulder pain can be. If you have chronic shoulder pain and nothing seems to help, consider calling Upper Cervical Chiropractic of Boulder for a consultation. Upper cervical spine specialists Dr. Christina and Dr. Christina Coblish and Dr. Ryan Moeskau may be able to get to the root of the problem.

Dr. Coblish and Dr. Moeskau are experts in the Blair Chiropractic Technique, a modern technique that treats shoulder pain by correcting the upper cervical spine. The Blair technique is unlike common chiropractic methods; there are no jarring twists and snaps. Instead, the Blair technique relies on advanced technology combined with gentle manipulations. 

Our doctors begin with an examination using 3D diagnostic imaging to target and calculate misalignments specific to your anatomy so that there is no guesswork. The doctors can then apply precise, low-force pressure to swiftly and effectively coax the spine back into proper alignment and relieve shoulder pain. Once the body is in a healthy, properly aligned state, it can resume its own natural healing mechanisms to improve your health and well-being.  

Our areas of coverage include Boulder, Longmont,  Louisville,  Erie,  Lafayette,  Broomfield, and Denver in Colorado. Contact us for more information or to schedule an appointment.