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Treating Seizures and Epilepsy with Upper Cervical Chiropractic

What Are Seizures and Epilepsy?

Seizures are when there is a sudden change in your movements, feelings, or consciousness due to an electrical disturbance in the brain. These electrical disturbances are uncontrolled and can vary in duration and severity. 

Many health conditions may cause seizures, including stroke, infection, or blow to the head. The most common seizure condition is epilepsy, a neurological disorder. Epilepsy is generally the diagnosis of a person who has had two or more seizures within 24 hours if there are no other identifiable causes.

Epilepsy can be a debilitating condition that interferes with your everyday life. Many patients use anti-epileptic drugs or have surgeries to manage epilepsy. Some research shows promise in treating the frequency and severity of seizures with upper cervical care. 

Signs and Symptoms of Seizures and Epilepsy

Epilepsy causes abnormal activity in the brain, which may bring on a seizure. Some common signs of a seizure include confusion, a staring spell, or stiff muscles. A patient may go on to experience uncontrollable movements of the arms and legs and may begin to jerk or spasm. This may be accompanied by a loss of awareness or consciousness temporarily. 

Seizures usually last between 30 seconds and two minutes. If a seizure goes on for more than 5 minutes, it is considered a medical emergency and you should call for help immediately.

How the Upper Cervical Spine Effects Seizures and Epilepsy

The upper cervical spine begins at the base of the skull, just below the brainstem at the juncture where it connects to the central nervous system (CNS). 

There are vital neuropathways located at this juncture, and when the vertebrae of the spine are misaligned it may cause a compression of the nerves. Pinching or compression of the nerves can cause disrupted or misfired signals. This may cause seizures and epilepsy. 

By correcting the misalignments, chiropractors are able to restore the flow of nerve signals so that the brain and body function in harmony. The body’s natural healing abilities take over, restoring wellness. For epilepsy patients, this can reduce the severity, duration, and frequency of seizures. 

How Our Upper Cervical Treatment for Seizures and Epilepsy Works

At Upper Cervical Chiropractic of Boulder, our Dr. Christina Coblish and Dr. Ryan Moeskau are upper cervical specialists. The doctors practice a modern chiropractic technique known as the Blair Chiropractic Technique. 

The Blair technique uses a series of advanced diagnostic tools to better target misalignments. Once your unique anatomy is examined, doctors can make adjustments to any misalignments using more precise, gentle pressure. Once the body’s natural state is restored, the healing process begins. 

The Blair technique does not involve the twisting, popping, cracking, or jarring jolts that are typically associated with chiropractic care. Instead, adjustments are light and quick with minimal pressure for the patient’s comfort, offering a drug-free, non-invasive, natural treatment for seizures and epilepsy. 

Don’t let epilepsy or seizures get in your way of doing the things you want to do with your life. Contact us for a consultation. Our areas of coverage include Boulder, Longmont,  Louisville,  Erie,  Lafayette,  Broomfield, and Denver in Colorado.